
Lambang flowchart dan penjelasannya
Lambang flowchart dan penjelasannya

Thoroughly discussed etiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder. Clearly discussed etiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder. Briefly discussed etiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder. Failure to provide etiology will result in zero points for this criteria. Points: 10 Points: 13 Points: 14 Points: 15 Etiology (15 pts) Did not include discussion on the etiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder. Thoroughly identified the pathophysiology of one musculoskeletal disorder. Clearly identified the pathophysiology of one musculoskeletal system disorder. Briefly identify the pathophysiology of the one musculoskeletal system disorder. Failure to provide pathophysiology will result in zero points for this criteria. Format: Resources: You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide: Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide: Levels of Achievement Criteria Emerging Competence Proficiency Mastery Pathophysiology (10pts) Did not include discussion on the pathophysiology of one musculoskeletal system disorder. Use the included template to outline the system disorder including the pathophysiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment. Course Competency(s): Instructions: Content: Prepare a concept map for a musculoskeletal disorder from your readings. The concept map will help you identify the pathophysiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder. Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze a musculoskeletal system disorder to process the possible manifestations of a selected disorder. Kegiatan yang terpotong dan akan disambung di tempat lain harus ditunjukkan dengan jelas meīagan alir system (system flowchart), yang menjelaskan urutan setiap prosedur yangīagan alir dokumen (document flowchart), yang menunjukkan arah aliran data laporan danīagan alir skematik (Schematic flowchart), memiliki kemiripan. Setiap Kegiatan di dalam flowchart harus memiliki alur data proses dengan jelas dan terperinci Penjelasan damlam simbol flowchart sebaiknya menggunakan kata kerja,Ĭontoh: “Entry Data Peserta Didik”, “Hitung A + B” Setiap kegiatan harus memiliki input dan menghasilkan output Nama kegiatan di dalam symbol flowchart harus ditulis dengan jelasĭimulai dengan simbol start (awal) dan diakhiri dengan symbol end (akhir) Peletakan simbol flowchart dimulai dari atas kebawah dan mulai dari kiri halaman Metode ini memilikiĪturan atau pedoman yang harus diikuti ketika menggunakannya, berikut aturannnya: Runtunan data dan proses (flow) yang terjadi dalam program secara logika. Model penulisan algoritma merupakan bagan (chart) yang menunjukan aliran atau PEMODELAN PERANGKAT LUNAK || TRY YUDHISTIRA PUTRA,S.KOM

Lambang flowchart dan penjelasannya